Saturday, July 21, 2018


As it is known that there is no businesses set up without customers, customers are the reason why a business is considered in the first place, and we all know that one of the hardest thing to do when a business is first set up is the convincing and acquisition of long term customers. A business set up will do everything in their power to convince a customer that he is the best among all. That is why the saying “customers are always right” exists in the market. Of course we all know that it is impossible for customers to always be right but that is what is good for business so everyone tends to go by it. Now, there is a massive problem that is faced by most business, which is the lack of critical data needed to market those prospects by which a customers long term allegiance is pledged to the business set up. This has made the demand for big data sources gone up since provision of quality and complete data is very necessary. It has been observed that wastage of time and money has set in since critical information which are highly and desperately needed by businesses are only offered confusing choices, given that the existing data marketing ecosystem of data, managers and brokers is proving inefficient. These challenges have been offered solution by a platform that runs through blockchain, utilizing the public ledger’s transparency ability in solving them.

DATABLOCKCHAIN.IO OVERVIEW is a blockchain based platform in conjunction with Media direct that is set up to provide the long awaited comprehensive marketing data solution to all businesses and individuals, by such democratising the big data. Through this platform, data sources as well as individuals and businesses will be provided with an interface that is user friendly, strong and straightforward. Data end users and data providers will be offered data quality and transactional finality respectively, thanks to the platform’s backend system.


The platform offers some noticeable advantages over others, in which some will be in highlights as follows;
  • It offers transparency, traceability, and auditability to the data providers.
  • Provides businesses and consumers quality verified data.
  • End users are offered a simplified easy-to-use interface with a quick payment system.
  • Data source providers are empowered to provide access to their data and monetize it.

PLATFORM’S USE CASES has a wide range of use cases, amongst which the following exists; data for direct marketing, customer acquisition, enhancement of existing data, risk management, health insurance companies, background checks, people finder, real-time leads and so on.


The official token for the platform is the DBCcoin, which will be used for all complete transactions performed on the platform. The image below depicts the percentages in which the token will be segmented;


The funds raised during the token sale will be used as depicted in the image shown below;
For more info on the project, visit;
Author; Teepheh

Thursday, July 19, 2018


It has always been a thing if joy when we hear a thing or two about sports, because sport represent and promote peace and love between people of different race and ethnics. However, whenever blockchain meets sports, it is on a whole new level and it is a whole new ball game entirely because, blockchain improvement and viability since its invention has always been growing. But as we would inevitably have it, problems hampering the unstoppable growth has surfaced over the years proving to be a roadblock to rapid improvement. One of these problem is the issue of lack of trust that makes a player back out from registering n a particular system. Another is the government control on sports activities without full transparency. Also the issue of high fees to be paid and complicated long registration processes are not also helping matters. These are summarily the problems faced by the system which the BITGOALS platform has come to solve.


BITGOAL is a revolutionary blockchain based platform that gives users the opportunity to partake on its bonus system, rewarding sport lovers, by the combination of casual, sport, gambling, fantasy and so on. By simply decentralizing the whole process, bitgoal eradicates all problems associated with the system, thereby providing maximum satisfaction to all players involved.


Bitgoal comes with a number of advantages enjoyed by it users, because of its bases on the blockchain, players will opt to use the platform as it promises to be fair and efficient as possible. Some benefits amongst others will be highlighted as follows;
  • Using this platform offers simple registration process to participate in the draw games.
  • Bitgoals offers no limit to the use of funds
  • There is availability of full transparency and independence since it is decentralized
  • An almost instant payout process is guaranteed.


STP is the official token of the platform, this token is provided to manage all completed transactions on the system. The funds raises are to be distributed as in the image below;

For more info, kindly visit;
Bitcointalk username: teepheh
Bitcointalk profile link:;u=1775559
ETH address: 0x58A0077810eDeBE43A662d5aAE75409b46C41D84

Wednesday, July 18, 2018


The market as of today is not what it has always been expected of years back, the market has always been expected to be on an upward move on the curve but that has not always been the case due to some factors, in fact, currently it is safe to say that the trading market is on a downward curve. Taking the financial system of some platforms for example, some platforms is set up not to fully serve customers which was is meant to be the aim of every set up platform, but some rather new and existing platforms rather prefers to set themselves up shape in the shape of profit only and neglecting the importance of users. This is really a problem drawing back the sector. There is no doubt that a strong link and connection between online store owners and goods producers and wholesalers in the Ecommerce platform will go a long way to boost the sector but unfortunately it has not been the case due to a weak link between the wholesalers, producers and online store owners. Even the exchange system of most platform are not user’s friendly making also a hampering problem in the sector. And with these even businesses with good product has fallen over the years due to mismanagement and bad level of skilfulness. With most problems that have risen, it has been seen and taken into action by a capable platform, which has come to introduce Ecommerce automation so as to revolutionize the online sales. This platform is known as GUARIUM.


Guarium platform is a renowned decentralized automatic Ecommerce platform in full dropshipping with self own infrastructure of finance and a network of partner stores. This platform integrates blockchain smart contracts for digital products, as they are found in the Ecommerce automation platform. Guarium Ecommerce automation feature links producers of goods and wholesalers with people who operates self online stores which is a thing much needed by the system and was also introduced for manufacturers and wholesalers who will like to run their business without leaving their home so they don’t have to worry about the market for their product, given that the Ecommerce structure is a shopping system that consists of hundreds of thousands of online stores, so it is at their advantage.


Being involved in this platform gives a host of benefits in which some will be highlighted below;
  • The platform runs an automated logistics system that will make the ordered product sent directly by the warehouse to your client.
  • The store can be operated by anyone without advanced knowledge online store owners are required of today or age user.
  • Individually, store owners can recommend a store or a product that belongs to another person thanks to the integration of advanced affiliation.
  • Each owner of a store is offered an opportunity to change its logo and design it as he desires.


Guarcoin(GUAR) is the official token of the platform, that will be used for every complete transaction performed. The token allocation is as represented below;
In summary,
GUARIUM e-Commerce automation is set to be the worldwide leader in the Ecommerce market, via the introduction of a decentralized platform for producers, wholesalers and online commerce clients with the use of GUAR, Which is its official coin.
For more info, kindly visit;
Author; teepheh

Monday, July 16, 2018


In the sporting sector currently, problems of traditional centralized sports books are really hindering the improvement of the system, in the sense that regulations doesn’t allow companies many forms of marketing in top countries around the world despite getting licenses in every jurisdiction they operate in very expensive fees. These expensive licenses thereby are inflicted a negative name as such, casting doubts in the trust aspect, another issue is the one of sports books giving poor satisfaction and convenience level to players, which discourage users. The situation whereby the initial capital needed to support user bets is prohibitively high has also proven to be a major setback as these high costs causes sports books to charge high fees from its users so as to make satisfactory profit, the fee is usually between 10–15% which will never be at an advantage to players. The aforementioned problems are hampering the growth of the system even though it is in a little way because despite these, the sector gains exorbitant profit yearly. The platform which will be briefly discussed has come with the solution to minimize and eradicate these problems. 


meVu is known as a decentralized peer-to-peer (P2P) application that pairs players who reaches an agreement to odds on a given bet that can either be centred on a sporting event or custom bets on anything with two possible outcomes by the users. Since the platform is blockchain based, it operates on full transparency by an open-source smart contract that creates a secured escrow viewable to all, as such, allowing players to monitor their Ethereum cryptocurrency “ETH” throughout betting process step by step or as they wish. This particular feature allows the instant payout of ether automatically and securely as soon as the winner is announced. meVu offers users maximum speed as it has the ability to drastically reduce time of waiting of traditional sports books and also offers minimum fee reduction to as low as two percent since it doesn’t involve a third party.


MVU is the official token of the meVu platform, as it has a host of utilities such as offering users opportunity to compete on exclusive discounted games, also claiming referral rewards. The token also gives holders right to participate in monthly lottery and Report results of sports games by reaching consensus. These are the little amongst the token utilities.


The image below shows the segmentation of the funds raised;
For more info on meVu, kindly visit;

Bitcointalk username; fredystar
Bitcointalk profile:;u=2142272

Friday, July 13, 2018


Over recent years, it has constantly been observed that the gaming industry is actively developing. As seen over recent years that turnover from the sale of game content has increased massively therefore increasing profits in the sector. The world’s leading digital companies has however taken to dominate the market and dictate their terms to users leaving in no much space for transparency. They has so much made it to their advantage in such a way that any developer that chooses not to put his game on any of these platform, will have a slim chance of getting the expected awareness and expected result, no matter how good the game may be, by such having low or no impact on the gaming community. Also, the terms placed on selling content on these leading platforms favours them largely than of other parties in sense that they tend to receive commission from each sold game in the amount of thirty to fifty percent which directly affects the sales and success of some developing gaming companies. Having low or no choice, many companies tends to go through such restrictions and large commissions. These problems are ones amongst many that plagues the gaming sector. EOT( entertainment open network) has come with the solutions.


EOT protocol platform is known as a game distribute platform built on blockchain and is created with a game discovery system where users of the protocol platform have the benefits to discover, purchase and play games of wish as long as it is on the platform. EOT aims to use crypto-currency coins as a method of payment for the games since it is built on blockchain. Simultaneously giving users also the benefit of submitting new games, so as to enhance the discovery of new and better advanced games.
The platform holds a host of significant advantages that makes it a standout platform amongst others, some of which will be highlighted:
  • An advanced game discovery system
  • A progressive referral system
  • Provided tools for developers
  • A socialized gaming community


The official token for the platform os known as EOT, which will be used for all transactions on the platform. The summary of the token info, is below as:
  • Name - EOT
  • Total tokens - 2.1B EOT.
  • Token cost 1ETH = 21000 EOT, 1 EOT = $ 0.0280 (0.00004760ETH)
  • Softcap - 30 thousand ETH
  • Hardcap - 100 thousand ETH


The total amount of token raised will be distributed in the following percentages; 30% will go to incentives for community members in the platform, another 30% will go to the token sale, while a 20% will be segmented for the EOT foundation, marketing and community development. Early supporters, advisors and initial partners will take up. While the last 10% will go to incentives for the team. It is depicted in the image below as;
In summary, EOT protocol Platform is decentralized game distribute platform that assists developers in games for through the use of blockchain technology, full transparency is available and it is trustworthy and secure.
Author: @Teepheh
Author’s bitcointalk:;u=2142272

Friday, July 6, 2018


In the world today, industries involved in the gaming sector are showing no signs of slowing down in the rate at which the have taking business by the scruff of the neck and naming themselves as one of the world’s leading business sector. In early years, it was understood that games was meant to be for children and young teenagers to get them distracted from the things of the world that has yet to be revealed to them and keep them busy during times of disturbance. Fast forward some years later, games are now considered as a platform available to different age ranges and categories due to its improvement over the years in terms of constant hardware and software system upgrades by talented and hardworking developers. Gaming improvement has only gone faster as it has moved so quickly from being on only limited technologies to being on variety of gadgets, be it mobiles or consoles or pads providing convenience to users on whatever platform they can afford or whatever platform they prefer. But since the innovation of the blockchain platform, gaming sector have had the joy of convenience and satisfaction since the have the choice to build their games on blockchain by so doing revolutionising the gaming industry. Since then gaming platforms have had to use blockchain to bring in more transparency to its users and also offer them tokens to secure and purchase in-game items, as such providing users full ownership of the items obtained, and with that users have the full benefits from items value available to them. But as inevitable as it is the platform hasn’t had the best road to its current state, as a lot of problem had been encountered on its development journey. The introduction of EON gaming platform is being associated with the solution to these problems thereby making it easier for the improvement of the gaming industries.


EON gaming platform is a renowned decentralized distribution platform for digital games, it is a platform that offers gamers the benefits of socializing with one another, simply by enjoying game times and playing games with new improved discoveries. Since it is a platform that is running through blockchain, it gives maximum transparency and efficiency with high level of resilient security also not leaving out maximum level of unbreakable trust. EON gaming platform is being introduced with the solution to the roadblocks currently in the current game distribution method, of which some of the problems will be briefly discussed with their solution by EON;

  • PROMOTION AND GAME DISCOVERY PROBLEMS: an issue that is so alarming to developers and causing market cost to attain a new height is very disturbing, also the issue of the so called exposure rules given are not showing any characteristic of transparency, by so, causing developers to contribute their own revenue to the distribution platform also, to promote their games and let users find out about it as soon as possible.
  • PROBLEMS OF FEE PAYMENT: limited supported currency Is an issue among the platforms in the sense that, developers will have to go through the stress look for local partners/ solving problems of the local sales pricing currency by themselves, by such causing great inconvenience. This factor is one which EON platform has come to solve. The issue of centralised distribution system delaying payment to developers is not also left out in the number of problems invilved, as it makes it a tedious task for developers to manage and control their cash flow in the project.


EON platform is one that has come to get rid of problems through the Blockchain platform which will originally will be built on ethereum, and through the utilization of crypto-currency payment method on the gaming platform, integrating local payment or adjustment of sales pricing will no longer be necessary because of the presence of full transparency. Fees can also can also be made on the platform in quick succession as transaction will be very fast on blockchain. Smart contract used by ethereum will make its use assist developers in reducing market cost, and simultaneously gamers have the chance to discover games quickly with benefit of profiting from games they like also.


EON gaming system network powered through blockchain is one that is accessible worldwide, as it is associated with maximum level of trust and it is cost-efficient while its transparency is also a full package. It possesses some noticeable outstanding characteristics which are;
  • The outstanding game community
  • High level developer system
  • Referral system
  • Game discovery system


Since the platform is powered through blockchain it has a token by the ticker EOT, which is designed for all the transaction to occur on the platform and for facilitation of the platform’s improvement.


EOT token will be distributed in the percentages which is shown below in the image.
For more information, kindly visit;